Industrial design + ideas ::: by Gaston Bonaudi
Ternium Siderar ´06 Exhibition in CMD (Metropolitan Center of Design)
Centro Metropolitano de Diseño
- Del 17 de abril al 31 de julio
- Address: Villarino 2498
- Phone: 4126 2950
Thanks to:
Bisque Radiators + Designboom
and the jury, composed of
- kazuhiro yamanaka, japanese designer
- georg baldele, austrian designer
- lynda relph-knight, editor design week,
- ukchris connors, creative consultant,
- ukpaul draper, chairman, bisque
- birgit lohmann, editor-in-chief designboom
Stay tuned!
Jury is composed of:
Aníbal Cofone, University of Bologna
Eduardo Naso, National University of La Plata.
Horacio Pigozzi, Colón Theater
José Wyszogrod, R&D Director Honda.